Energy Economics & Procurement
Carbon Management
Across the globe, companies are facing internal and external pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and help combat climate change. Companies whose business model is tied to fossil fuels or whose bottom line is tied to high energy usage are especially vulnerable. Forward-thinking companies will benefit in their quest to combat climate change. Goals of reaching “net zero” (not emitting greenhouse gas emissions or offsetting them) by 2050 are only effective if companies are willing to make a plan and stick to it.
There are hidden costs to waiting to take action on energy reduction, and costs to reduce carbon emissions will only increase as companies wait longer to take action. As energy usage accounts for nearly 80% of all carbon emissions, energy is one of the first areas most companies should consider. Many feel energy is a fixed cost in their budget. But, there are many ways to examine data and find extensive cost-saving opportunities within organizations.
Companies must start now if they want to hit their carbon targets. Many companies don’t have any sort of plan in place, needing a roadmap to guide their journey to energy and carbon reductions. 360 Carbon Excellence can provide that roadmap, providing actionable resources and real-time reporting so companies can see how they’re moving the needle to hit their carbon goals.
Durez Canada has already started following their roadmap to energy reduction success. Working with 360 Energy’s team of knowledgeable advisors, they developed a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030 through purchasing renewable energy and developing action plans to reach carbon neutrality. 360 Carbon Excellence helped facilitate Durez Canada’s creation of a five-year carbon reduction plan, with steps laid out along the way to track their success. Undertaking 360 Carbon Excellence allowed Durez Canada to look at short-term energy purchases, first understanding their baseline energy costs and consumption.
Inputting baseline data into an Energy Cost and Comparison analysis then allowed the program to compare specific carbon reduction options to cost to give the company the best bang for its buck. Durez Canada, which is based in Ontario, works on a relatively clean energy grid. As a result, they purchased a green natural gas certificate rather than a renewable energy certificate.
Through working with 360 Carbon Excellence, Durez Canada was able to reduce carbon emissions by three times more than through a renewable energy certificate, at only two-thirds of the cost. With that review, the organization saved more than $40,000 by understanding the impact of the various options and ensuring greater emissions offsets rather than settling with their initial thought of renewable energy certificates.
Many companies make promises without accountability. 360 Carbon Excellence will ensure companies are taking the actionable steps they need to reduce their carbon footprint, all while saving money along the way.
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The main image is a duplicate from another post. Should also link to the Durez Success Story when done.