Regulatory Compliance & Reporting
Energy Efficiency & Optimization
Reducing peak power use is an important issue during a hot summer, particularly for manufacturing plants and those greenhouse operations that require lighting during the summer. But making plans is not possible unless a common misunderstanding about managing energy is first addressed.
Many corporate leaders do not really believe it is possible to manage energy. Instead, they think using energy is simply the cost of doing business. If energy can’t be managed, what is the purpose of trying to curtail peaks?
This way of thinking will always hinder energy reductions in a company. Corporate leaders who hold these limiting beliefs will make no significant effort to change their organization’s internal processes or business plans to address energy use and costs. The initial challenge is to first convince senior managers that energy is controllable.
Once that challenge is overcome, successfully reducing peak power consumption involves four critical components:
Up to 20 separate factors contribute to electricity costs. All of them can be analyzed and controlled. All of them are understood by reference to monthly utility bills. The peak demand charge is certainly a significant factor impacting monthly energy costs. But it is necessary to understand the other factors as well. For example: Is the utility rate structure the right one? What is the site’s power factor? Is there a penalty for it? How much do utility costs vary over time? Why do they vary?
Typically, most companies that diligently review utility data realize 5 to 10% in savings and cost avoidance. CEOs that were initially reluctant to embrace energy management do so, once they see the compelling business case for action. Analyzing utility bills is the strategic enabler for action.
2. Analyze plant equipment
Compile a list of major equipment and the corresponding operating schedules. Assess when the equipment operates and when it should be turned on and off. Review if specific equipment could be shifted to other time slots, without hampering production.
It is important for both maintenance and production teams to define the equipment list and schedule. Together, they can accurately answer the question, “How can this equipment be operated to reduce energy costs without negatively impacting production?”
3. Analyze interval energy data
The next step is to query the interval data. This data comes from utility main service meters which record how much energy is used on an hourly or, in some cases, more frequent basis.
As the interval data is collected, reported and analyzed, patterns will emerge. For example, how much energy is used during non-production times compared to production times? And how does that level of consumption compare to earlier expectations? Interval data can be used to identify site anomalies and then guide a search for the causes.
Interval data is particularly useful for peak electrical use planning. It is granular and tactical and it provides the necessary clues for how to reduce base load or flatten peak use.
An organization can often avoid significant costs if it reduces energy consumption during periods when grids are strained. Many jurisdictions offer demand management programs that reward companies for reducing their consumption at these critical times. Access to hourly data is essential for participation.
4. Take evidence-based action
When an organization commits to a corporate energy strategy, no one person can do all that is required. Rather, a broad, diverse corporate team is needed to guide planning and implementation.
Site-specific teams can use interval data to map their facilities’ energy loads on the basis of operating hours and specific equipment. Once a load profile is created, then targets and accountabilities can be set, providing the context for peak electricity use planning.
Executives must approve and direct the corporate energy strategy, while cross-functional teams work collaboratively to understand energy use and costs within their organization. Data analyses inform the business case for taking action.
Using a comprehensive approach provides access to the full energy management toolbox. Organizations gain a sophisticated understanding of their equipment and operations. They also gain the capacity to successfully implement energy-saving initiatives, including those relating to peak periods.
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